The tall, gorgeous white oak tree is a favorite in the U.S. 

The tree is so vital to American culture that three states named the resilient plant as their official tree: Illinois, Maryland, and Connecticut. While these long-lasting, giant trees flourish to over 145 feet, they use a good part of their lifecycle to get to full height. 


White Oak Tree Growth RateLincolnton Tree Service white oak tree

White oaks are leisurely growers, developing between 11 to 14 inches per year. This fact is apparent when comparing the white oak to a tree-like Monterrey oak, which grows up to 48 inches annually. Due to the white oak’s slow growth, some garden centers hesitate to sell the tree. You might have an issue finding a product to add to your outdoor space. 

The mature, majestic white oak exhibits a vast-spreading growth pattern, with parallel, sturdy limbs. The trunk width is over six feet. The tree’s name comes from its beige hue wood that is practically white when newly cut.

Leaves of the white oak grow between 3 to 9 inches long with five to nine lobes or slim parts. The leaves are vivid green on top and light green on the other side. White oak leaves become purplish-red to reddish-brown in the autumn, staying on the younger trees’ limbs in the wintertime.

White oak trees could exist for a long time. The average lifecycle for white oak is 300 years. With the proper conditions, white oaks could live even longer, over 600 years or more. White oak trees are one of the most prolonged living oak types in America.


Growing White Oak Trees Advice

For best results, plant white oak in the springtime or grow a white oak from an acorn. This tree likes deep, damp, acidic, rich, well-drained soils. However, the white oak could adapt to average droughts and wet soils neutral to marginally alkaline in pH. It flourishes in total sunshine to partial sun, though the white oak is shade-tolerant when young. White oak could be hard to transplant. Transport a white oak only when it’s small.

Since white oaks survive a long time, they could flourish tall, between 50 to 80 feet tall. The growth rate of a white oak tree is average, developing between 1 and 1½ feet yearly. 

A white oak tree requires four hours or more of direct sunlight. However, a young tree grows for a long time in the forest. 


Usage for White Oak Trees

White oak is a critical timber tree, creating hardwood lumber thanks to its watertight grain. The durable hardwood is excellent for furniture, beams, flooring, railroad ties, barrels, and other products. White oak wood makes top-notch hardwood flooring.

Most folks enjoy white oaks as shade trees in parks and outdoor spaces. Wildlife benefits from this giving tree too. Seek shelter with its huge limbs and take pleasure in the plentiful sweet acorns the tree provides in the fall. 

Contact us at Lincolnton Tree Service to learn more about planting and caring for white oak trees.